Monday, August 15, 2005


Hey Kyaeira... and any other random person that might happen unto this blog.

I have another location for blogging, which is where I usually post. But I am getting irritated by a couple of things occurring with that blog.

There is an alert, which I cannot control, that goes out to everyone on my list of friends, telling them that I've updated my blog. This leads to traffic from people who generally wouldn't read it. Which is fine I suppose. Being that I want to be a writer, I should probably be more comfortable with random people reading my stuff. However, since I do want to be a writer, if I know that many people will be reading it, it makes me more reluctant to just post anything without editing it over and over and over again. See the dilemma?

In my relocation, I considered leaving a message on the aforementioned blog to let people know I've moved... but I think I might put off doing that for a little while. I think I'd like to have this be my sort-of-secret blog for a bit at least.


At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so you thought nobody would check your new blog... but I've been chosen as "special" and so I will read it religiously... but I kinda liked that the other one TOLD me that you had just written - it was my idiot guide to Stacy's blog... can you idiotize this one for me? (Yes. It IS always about ME!!)



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