Wednesday, August 17, 2005

good morning

Coming into the office this morning, this woman walked into the building in front of me. She kind of held the door open for me, I guess, but really she just opened the door for her and it stayed open for me due to the laws of physics or something. We then both got onto the elevator and she said, "Usually when someone holds the door open for me, I say thank you. But I guess not everyone does that." I was surprised and said, "Excuse me." She repeated herself. And I apologized. To which she replied, "Oh no, it's okay. I guess not everyone's, you know, polite. Oh well, maybe next time." The strangest part was that we were both smiling the whole time. When I got off the elevator, I said, "Have a nice day," because I didn't know what to do.

Now, I'm sad. I'm not impolite.

This totally reminds me of something my mother would do. Being all righteous to a total stranger. Thinking she can dictate or at least judge everyone else's behavior. My mom's not as bad as this woman, but maybe I just have a different perspective on my mom.

I was having a good morning otherwise. But now, I'm sad.


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