Thursday, February 02, 2006

"Girls Rule, Boys Drool"

... according to a wallet I owned in middle school, purchased from where else but Claire's Boutiques. Now, studies show that my wallet wasn't so far off.

According to an article in the January 30, 2006 issue of Newsweek, "By almost every benchmark, boys across the nation and in every demographic group are falling behind [girls, in test scores and other academic achievements]."

This article points out the issue of biological differences between a boy's brain and a girl's brain. Apparently, the biological functionality of a girl's brain is better suited to perform well in today's education system. I would think that the gender who created and has been welcomed into the world of educaton for longer might have learned how to do better in it by now. But, alas, it seems that the past three decades have seen such drastic reforms, due to that darn feminist outcry for a fairer system to offer the "fairer" sex, that the needs of boys have been neglected.

Personally, I don't think the statistics I've seen show a huge problem for the boys (except perhaps for the literacy rate). Stripped away of all those spinning words, I think the numbers might show that boys and girls are becoming... dare I say it?... more equal.

But don't worry boys. I'm sure the new energy initiative program Bush is implementing will bring the boys back up a bit, what with its focus on achievement in math and science, the two subjects boys have statistically done better in than girls (though girls are more recently breaking even with the boys). And after school, no matter how many girls did better than you in school, you're still more likely to make more money than them in the workforce. Of course, if all else fails, I've got this pickle jar I'm having a bit of trouble opening... oh, never mind, I got it. Thanks, anyway!


At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Opening pickle jars was basically all I was good at. Thanks. (sniff sniff)

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just playing devil's advocate, but do you think that since a majority (IMHO) of teachers are female, that may have something to do with it?

At 4:28 PM, Blogger SR Phoenix said...

I'm not sure, but I don't think a majority of teachers across the board are female. Maybe for younger age groups. But I believe there are still issues about not having enough female professors in the maths and sciences, starting at the middle school level and through college and grad school. I think, also, there might be more male professors in colleges. But this is all just in my head and without any fact-checking.

Besides, I would really hope that teachers wouldn't play favorites based on gender (though I know for a fact that they do indeed play favorites). But it's interesting to suggest that there might be a good ol' girls club going on in the school system. They could have a crazed battle of the sexes versus the good ol' boys of the business world. I'd put my money on the 15 year old girls if up against a bunch of 60 year old businessmen in a relay race... as long as there was no cheating.

At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd worry about putting a bunch of 15-year-old girls with a bunch of 60-year-old businessmen.

Humbert Humbert was known to participate in many a relay race as a younger man.

I think boys place less of a value on learning than girls do. I feel like that's always been the case, though. Boys are, after all, made of snips and snails and puppydog tails.

At 5:29 PM, Blogger SR Phoenix said...

Sugar and spice and everything nice must be the ingredients to making a straight A student.

But back to the female teachers... One problem effecting boys in school isn't that there are less male teachers, but that less boys have father figures in their lives. So, the lack of male guidance in that respect seems to have a lot to do boys' failing performances in school, according to... something I read today. I think this is very sad. Stupid men leaving your baby mama behind.

At 10:24 AM, Blogger SR Phoenix said...

Thanks, km! I was waiting for your expert opinion. =o)

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another perspective:


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