Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Mom University

The feminist movement was about the right to choose. This NY Times Article discusses how young women today at some of the best colleges in the nation plan on eventually choosing family over career.

This isn't exactly news, as it's been the way since we were all sitting in caves watching the pictures on the walls instead of the pictures on the plasma screens. I think the bigger problem with this issue is that the choice of not working is thought of by many -- men and women alike -- as the lesser choice. Money is so highly celebrated that a woman that stays home, raises the children, cooks, cleans, etc. are considered inferior to a breadwinning husband.

The fact is making babies is hard and making those babies grow up into good people is even harder. To choose to stay home and take on this huge responsibility should be a more highly respected undertaking. It's just too bad that our society can rarely appreciate what cannot be quantified in dollars or stock options.

*Sidenote to Sarah Currie, a senior at Harvard, who said regarding men's approval of women's plans to stay home, "One of the guys was like, 'I think that's sexy.'" What? Do not go out with that guy! That kind of comment ranks him right up there with Asian fetish weirdos.


At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girls that want to be stay at home moms are much more sexy than those on the opposite end (those who don't want to have kids or have that type of family life). Why? B/c on the whole those ladies who don't want to have kids come from abusive, fucked up, or broken families and are jaded as hell. Girls AND Guys that grow up in healthy, happy families realize how wonderful family life is. For that reason - and the fact that I come from a happy family - I admire those women who want to have kids and stay at home. Of course, for me, I want to GIVE my wife the option of staying at home or not. My mom has been working all of her life, but I know that she wishes she had more time with her kids. You don't understand, I guess, until you reach that point.... Oh, F^ck liberal bitches. If you keep up your attitude you'll never find a man, only several effeminate metro-sexual douch-bags.

At 2:24 PM, Blogger SR Phoenix said...

Oh Mr. Anonymous.
1) I like that you have a very strong opinion... being unidentified.
2) Finding a woman who wants to have kids sexy is different from finding a woman who wants to stay at home with their kids sexy. "Mmmm i just love me a woman, barefoot and pregnant."
3) If I didn't make it clear enough in the post (which judging by anonymous' comment, I didn't), I think it is good for people to stay at home with their kids. Family is more important than career.
4) I do have a boyfriend, who is not an effeminate metro-sexual douchebag (he loves his beer, baseball caps, and football). And I plan on having 5 kids and working at home.
5) Thanks for commenting!

At 2:34 PM, Blogger SR Phoenix said...

One more point for Mr. Anonymous:

If you're so well-adjusted and into family life, why wouldn't YOU consider staying home with your kids? Why should that only be a choice for the women? Or is that just a stupid liberal bitch question?

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

what's wrong with the asian fetish? jeez, srphoenix... don't be so judgemental...

At 3:00 PM, Blogger SR Phoenix said...

lol... so i'm a judgmental, liberal bitch. This was a lucrative blog entry!

And you're right JJ. I mean, who doesn't have an Asian fetish? We are some fine ass women.


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