Friday, November 11, 2005

random rant

History is full of great battle stories.
The Sharks vs. the Jets. East Coast vs. West Coast. Batman vs. Lex Luthor.

That was in an E-mail newsletter. So, somewhere somebody thinks Batman and Lex Luthor are archnemeses. And that somebody's editor agreed. It's fine that they don't know who's who in comics, movies, and tv. I know plenty of people who also live in caves (in an ironic twist, Batman is one of them). But then, write something else. There are plenty of other, and much better, "battle stories" to use as an example. How about David and Goliath? Much more recognizable and classic. Or Peter Pan and Captain Hook? There are tons! And this person had to go with Batman and Lex Luthor? (To be fair, it's not that the two haven't met and faced each other and all, but I highly doubt this person is referencing the Batman-Superman movie or the random crossovers in the comics and cartoon. I just totally geeked out. I get a little weird when it comes to DC comics. Ok, I've said too much.)

I also get pissed when I see the crap that people are paid to write. I mean, come on, this is your freaking career and you can't bother to fact check before publishing? And I don't just mean that E-mail. There are libraries and bookstores filled with shitty books (I'm looking at YOU Candace Bushnell) that people pay money for.

Why, God, why?!? When's it gonna be my time??


At 2:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

marvel is better than dc. 'nuff said.

and what does it mean when i can't make out the "word verification" thing? does that mean i'm a robot? ok, time to stop procrastinating writing a pointless comment and time to start IMing ms. srphoenix herself. workdays rule!


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