Monday, December 19, 2005

the Year of Stacy

(I forgot this blog is supposed to be about me, on a personal level. My bad.)

My real name is Stacy and this past year has been dubbed (by only me... and some supportive friends and family): the year of Stacy. Former years were not particularly kind to me (I'm looking at you 2001 and 2004). So, last year, around this time, I decided I wasn't gonna take it anymore. 2005 would be my year.

And so it was. I could go ahead and list all the great things that happened to/for me this year, but in trying to do so, I realized that these things cannot be quantified and simplified into a list. The truth is that the second I decided that 2005 would be the year of Stacy, it became exactly that. It didn't matter what happened to me for the rest of the year. The important thing was that I was approaching the new year with the hope and confidence I've lacked in approaching all the previous years.

So, it turned out (duh), it wasn't the years' faults at all (I'm sorry for blaming you, 2001 and 2004; let's be friends again). Every year, every day, every moment... I decide how I'm affected. Lots of craptastic things happened this year (and so it goes), but overall I think I handled those things better than I had in the past, which is all I can ever really hope to do.

As I approach the close of the year of Stacy, I look back to December 31, 2004 and remember my resolve to not let 2005 suck (yeah, I aim high). This new year's eve, maybe I'll raise the bar a bit for my resolution-making. World domination might be fun.


At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny. I thought 2005 was the year of the cock (like rooster). Up next, year of the dog. Bow-wow.


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